Meet Exec – Maddie ’22
by Madeleine Van Beek on August 5, 2019
Posted in: exec

Hi beautiful people! My name is Maddie and I am one of WRMC’s two music directors for the upcoming year. While I’m beyond excited to get back to Middlebury and college radio in September, I’ve been enjoying my downtime this summer. For most of the week, I work from home as an online computer science instructor for Juni Learning. When I’m not teaching, I can be found driving my younger sister to and from theater camp, doing yoga in my bedroom, or mediating emotional conflicts between my cats. I have also spent a great deal of time listening to music. My summer 2019 playlist is nine hours and growing, but instead of forcing you to wade through 150+ songs, I have picked 8 of my favorites for your consideration. Enjoy August, the Sunday-est month of the year, and I’ll see you on campus in the fall!
(I signed up for Spotify half an hour ago just so I could embed this playlist, but let’s be honest, it was time for me to make the switch from Apple Music anyway)
Hey Maddie, when will the radio station be up and running and do you know your time slot yet? Hope things are going well, think about you every day. ❤️