I am starting the “loving Spring” challenge where I attempt to love Spring (with the help of music of course). Featured image is Primavera (1482) by Sandro Botticelli
After more than 3 years of ‘radio’ silence, we’re back! And what better way to return, than with the amazing Marina Prikis of Starburn, performing five powerful songs live from our Library Studio!
We have been blogless for far too long. There is too much new music, too many unshared playlists, too many thoughts swimming around our crowded heads to let the blog stay dead. So help us out! Tell us your thoughts! Write for the WRMC blog!
By definition this playlist is the same forwards as it is backwards. Starts with covers of songs and moves towards their original artists. I tried, very cleverly, to structure it by moving from the artist song that was covered to a cover done by that artist. This didn’t always work out… But here a is… Read More
hi hi hello ! i’m lucy/lrd (she/her) and i’ll be your studio manager this year! what is a studio manager and what will that role look like this fall? wrmc has historically filmed and recorded npr tiny desk-type library sessions in our studio space showcasing on and off campus talent. i had a blast filming… Read More
During my drive back to Middlebury this semester, I was introduced to My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. Driving through rural Vermont seemed the perfect setting for an artfully created true crime podcast. As I twisted through sharp turns in the mountains, the wind rushed through my open window while Karen… Read More
Hi there! I’m Maddie and I’ll be the station’s ~*Tech Director*~ this year. Officially, I’m taking a leave of absence this fall to work full time, but that won’t stop me from Zooming into every WRMC meeting and event until I get back! This summer, I’ve been doing a remote internship shooting videos and developing… Read More
Hi, friends! I’m Maia, and I’m the Business Director for WRMC again this year. I’ve been hanging around Vermont this summer, jumping in cold rivers, eating a few too many creemees, and interning remotely for a statewide arts nonprofit supporting artists during the pandemic. This Fall is sure to be a wild ride in all… Read More
Hello! My name is Pia and I’m the Creative Director for WRMC this fall! I’m super excited to be working with everyone here (and anyone else who may want to get involved!). I spent this summer at home in Puerto Rico with my family cooking while jamming out to my sister’s Spotify playlist. It’s fire…. Read More
Hi everyone!! My name is Gennie and I will be a Concert Manager for the Spring but will be helping out this fall as well! I am a sophomore and I am thrilled to be part of the Exec board this year! We are trying to bring music content to you this Fall but we don’t… Read More
Hello! My name is Eric and I’m one of WRMC’s concerts managers for this year. You may be thinking, can you really have a concert during a pandemic? Probably not, but we’re going to try our best. Stay tuned! In March, when the world shut down, I was studying in Budapest, Hungary. I had to… Read More
Hello everyone! I’m George and I will be one of your music directors this year. Hopefully, we’ll be able to make it a good one despite the challenges that we will have to face. During quarantine I have written a science-fiction short story about a custodian, composed more songs in two months than I usually… Read More
Hey, radio heads! This is Micah Raymond, your spring programming director. This is my last year on the board, and I’m excited to help with the transition to what will undoubtedly be a chaotic yet wildly interesting year for college radio. I’m currently living with my partner Dylan and metamour Alec (both WRMC alums!) in… Read More
Hey!! I’m Elle Simmons, the station’s programming director for the fall. I’m pretty stoked to take on the challenge of trying to bring music, talk shows, performances, and everything in between to the Middlebury airwaves during these unprecedented/uncertain/hectic/troubled/ect times. Radio can be a great connector between communities and individuals and I’m excited to see WRMC… Read More
Hello all! My name is Rayn Bumstead and I am the new general manager of wrmc. I am really excited and honored to get to meet and work with you all !! We are currently working on a plan for remote programming and other ways for Djs to stay involved with the station for the… Read More
This is the first post in WRMC playlist series focused on highlighting black artists in the music industry. Each playlist in the series will center around a theme rather than a genre. For this playlist, inspired by the insurgency of organizers and activists, we pulled together a playlist that looks at music as it relates… Read More
In the past week, we’ve watched a powerful uprising unfold across our nation. Although the recent protests were sparked by the recent cruel and unjust murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and others, they are a response to the systemic racism that is intrinsic to this country’s history. Black Lives Matter. As a… Read More
Many of you know the joys of Spotify stalking first-hand. This is my personal take on the widespread (I think) social phenomenon. I was quite resistant to Spotify, preferring to listen to iTunes and Youtube for far too long. Even, shamefully, Pandora radio. Once I finally made the plunge, I wanted to keep it private…. Read More
This year, Top 91 looked a little different. Instead of gathering at The Mill to sing, dance, and celebrate our favorite songs of the year, DJs tuned in to our live broadcast of the countdown. Towards the end of the night, we also hosted a Zoom meeting to announce DJ awards and wrap up another… Read More
in lieu of tickets this year, here are some funds that could use the 5$ you (hopefully ) would have spent on a sepomana ticket. this list is not comprehensive, feel free to donate to any funds you know of that are helping people get through this pandemic. Love-wrmc Abolitionist Mutual Aid Fund for… Read More
A couple months ago, my good friend Kate would not stop talking about Phoebe Bridgers. An indie/folk/rock-ish/really good musician from LA, Phoebe Bridgers was Kate’s favorite artist of the moment (and of all time, claims Kate). At the time, I was bouncing around listening to new kinds of music instead of my normal classic rock… Read More
When I decided to make a post about Tyler the Creator’s latest album, IGOR, I revisited the album and listened to it from start to finish multiple times throughout the week. It’s not something I have done in a while with albums because I generally cherry pick tracks based on my mood or expectations. But… Read More
a is not for apple. b is not for ball. c is certainly not for cat. here is the real alphabet for you to learn and listen* to: ambient-pop blues-pop country-pop drone-pop electro-pop folk-pop grunge-pop hip-hop-pop indie-pop jazz-pop k-pop lo-fi-pop metal-pop new-wave-pop opera-pop pop-punk-pop queer-pop reggae-pop synth-pop tween-pop ukelele-pop violin-pop waltz-pop xxx-pop yoyo-ma-pop zoo-pop with… Read More
i find myself making a lot of lists these days. here is a list of things i have done to try to fill the gaping hole of not being able to do my radio show. made a new playlist tried to draw a cover picture for each of my playlists decided that was too… Read More
Dearest WRMC Booth Room We miss you a lot and think of you often. We are sad at the thought of you lying vacant. We hope that automation is keeping you, if not busy, entertained. We are SO sorry for that one time we brought a glass of water into your midst and hope this… Read More
To the Middlebury community: Over the past week, we have all watched the horrors of war unfolding in Ukraine. As a student organization, we’re writing to provide our unwavering support to Ukrainian students at Middlebury and to denounce Russia’s military action. Our hearts ache for Ukraine as the situation continues to intensify. We send all… Read More