by WS-Test-Student on March 14, 2008
Posted in: Uncategorized

So this has nothing to do with new music–it’s simply a plug for humanity. If you didn’t catch this in this week’s New York Times magazine, there is a site called where you can contribute rice to third world countries just by playing a simple and addictive (especially if you rocked on the verbal half of your SAT, and let’s face it, you are in Middlebury) word game. Using the money from advertising, will donate 20 grains of rice for every word that you match with it’s correct synonymn (of course, you have to choose correctly). The site began in October of 2007 as an offshoot of and already they have raised 22,478,677,910 grains of rice towards the cost.
So if you spend half as much time as I do sitting in front of a computer at work trying to think of ways to waste time, why not feed the world at the same time? And let’s not forget about building a vocabulary as well. Like ribaldry. And hypermetropia. Ooo I feel savvy.
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