WRMC 91.1 FM Middlebury College Radio 91.1 FM


Album Review

WRMC’s 2016 in Review

YEAR END WRAP UP Shock and surprise paved the heartbreaking year of 2016. In the most bleak corners of the year we lost more music idols and icons than we knew how to deal with. The new year was met with the terrible loss of David Bowie and soon after came the loss of  Maurice White,… Read More


WRMC’s 2014 in Review

2014 was a weird year for music. This year Miley Cyrus‘ Bangerz and Pavement‘s Brighten the Corners received equal airplay on WRMC whether we could help it or not, streaming services began counting towards Billboard charts, Apple discontinued the iPod Classic, Vinyl sales shot up by 49%, The Knife and Crystal Castles broke up, the Grammy nominations and Rolling Stone‘s… Read More

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