WRMC 91.1 FM Middlebury College Radio 91.1 FM


Dan Deacon @ Higher Ground

Tomorrow Night, Tuesday May 12 in the Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, Dan Deacon will be rocking bodies and melting faces with his unique electronic brand of chaos-dance-electro-funfest. Deacon’s new album, Bromst, came out a few weeks ago and this tour is Deacon’s debut with an instrumental ensamble, playing many of the new tunes with instrumentation… Read More

Dan Deacon

Basically this is turning into a place where I just talk about how much I like a handful of bands/people who play music. One of them is Dan Deacon. He is just that fantastic. The new Deacon album, Bromst, comes out March 24. Pitchfork.TV has some great footage of Deacon in the studio and Deacon… Read More

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