WRMC 91.1 FM Middlebury College Radio 91.1 FM


Are You Missing Coachella?

Never fear. Check out the live stream HERE. If you click it right now you can watch Best Coast playing a new song–of course it’s about dank. “…I wish she was my girlfriend.”

3 days….

Daft Punk. Coachella 2006. Track List:Human After All/Robot Rock/Oh Yeah/TechnologicTechnologicTelevision Rules the Nation/Around the World/CrescendollsToo Long/Verdis Quo/Steam MachineAround the World/Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger/TechnologicToo LongFace to Face/Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger/Short Circuit*One More Time/AerodynamicBrainwasher/Prime Time Of Your Life/Rollin’ & Scratchin’Alive/Prime Time Of Your LifeSteam Machine/Da Funk/DaftendirektSuperheroes/Human After All/Rock ‘N Roll 3 more days;) *so epic

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