WRMC 91.1 FM Middlebury College Radio 91.1 FM




As the icy grip of winter takes hold of Middlebury and the rest of Northern New England over the next three months, you’re probably going to need an escape that doesn’t involve the outdoors. What better way to beat the winter blues than to see some live music in and around the great Green Mountain state? We’ve compiled a list… Read More


WRMC’s 2014 in Review

2014 was a weird year for music. This year Miley Cyrus‘ Bangerz and Pavement‘s Brighten the Corners received equal airplay on WRMC whether we could help it or not, streaming services began counting towards Billboard charts, Apple discontinued the iPod Classic, Vinyl sales shot up by 49%, The Knife and Crystal Castles broke up, the Grammy nominations and Rolling Stone‘s… Read More


UPCOMING CONCERTS: August & September

Welcome to WRMC’s End of Summer/Back to School concert guide to the Champlain Valley (and beyond). This edition covers the upcoming month of August for all straggling summer bums hangin’ around Middlebury and September as well so all of you can start carefully planning your orientation/first few week shenanigans when your biggest concerns revolve around reading syllabi, decorating… Read More

Stream Future Island’s "On The Water."

Two posts back-to-back–way to be, NPR.  Future Islands, the Baltimore band who killed it at Sepomana 2010, will release their third LP, On The Water, October 11th.  More subdued than 2010’s In Evening Air, the album makes full use of the Samuel Harring’s melancholie lyrics and gravely vocals.  You can stream On The Water in its entirety at NPR’s… Read More


Theo-phil-us don’t pronounce it WRONG!

Dan Deacon @ Higher Ground

Tomorrow Night, Tuesday May 12 in the Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, Dan Deacon will be rocking bodies and melting faces with his unique electronic brand of chaos-dance-electro-funfest. Deacon’s new album, Bromst, came out a few weeks ago and this tour is Deacon’s debut with an instrumental ensamble, playing many of the new tunes with instrumentation… Read More

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