WRMC 91.1 FM Middlebury College Radio 91.1 FM


Album Review

Music I Should’ve Grown Up With (2004-2006)

Ah, the middle 2000s, those delightful years of supreme teenage awkwardness. Writing this particular week’s entry forced me to reflect on these difficult times and, well, I’m just getting over the feeling of continuously shuttering with mortification. However, despite my own social hopelessness, these days brought some absolutely incredible music. Three of my (current) favorites… Read More

WW Wednesday 11

School is in full swing for us young ‘uns. Regular broadcasting has begun. (Check out the official website for show times) Regina Spektor plays in two days, followed by WRMC’s second installation of the Fall Frenzy LNDP series down in Modapalooza land. I have sea urchin embryos growing right now and they make me feel… Read More

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