WRMC 91.1 FM Middlebury College Radio 91.1 FM


Neon Neon

From the combined ultra-genius of LA producer Boom Bip plus Gruff Rhys of Super Furry Animals comes Neon Neon, an electro-incredible tour de force. Consistent with the 80’s revival that is dominating the new music scene, Neon Neon cuts right to the chase with a concept album chock full of dirty electro and hip-hop bumping… Read More


That’s right. Its what you’ve been waiting for all summer. Gaspard Augé and Xavier de Rosnay. Justice. The French designers turned DJs who have been crusading the world for the past 2 years converting the ignorant masses with their face melting ‘Christian/Club’ awesomeness. Now, finally, Justice returns to North America for a 10 city tour… Read More

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