WRMC 91.1 FM Middlebury College Radio 91.1 FM



Exec Files: Vol II

The WRMC executive board presents their favorite tracks, albums, artists, and/or music videos of the week, old and new, but mostly new. ALBUM: Aphex Twin – Syro (2014) Label: Warp // Genre: Electronic Mr. Twin – no, sorry, Mr. James’s first record under the Aphex Twin moniker in 13 years! Holy cow. Anyway, given the nature of this album, that it… Read More

Album Review

Music I Should’ve Grown Up With (2001-2003)

It’s your friendly 90s-child blogger DJ Parkie-Park back to give you another rousing analysis of those gems I (and perhaps many of you) missed back in those childhoods of ours (ah, the nostalgia). If you’re just joining us now (and are perhaps a little lost on the concept), check out my posts from the past… Read More


Stream the new Strokes album, “Comedown Machine,” on Pitchfork Advance

As physical record sales reach their nadir, iTunes and other less ubiquitous music applications have to look warily over their collective shoulder at up-and-coming streaming services like Spotify, Grooveshark, and Pandora, which are slowly draining even digital record collections of their meaning. Meanwhile, of course, illegal downloading continues to do major damage to the music… Read More

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