M.I.A and the Ginger Conceit
by Adam Kritzer on April 26, 2010
Posted in: Uncategorized
“Born Free”, the dope, new track from M.I.A. with a video by Romain Garvas (sp?)
*Warning: More graphic than a normal music video… Already removed from Youtube… Proceed with caution
M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.
nice job! waiting for your new artical. ........................................
ish is raw. this guy also directed the video for ‘stress’ by justice, which is just as intense but without this one’s whole ‘daywalker genocide’ conceit, which i found pretty silly at times. maybe it was supposed to be funny? hard to tell. regardless, he’s amazing with a camera, so check out the justice video.