SALEM – DIRT from ACEPHALE on Vimeo. Salem is as erie as it is beautiful. According to Uncle Pinglewood: “If you kidnapped Bauhaus, tied them up in your basement, tortured them with slo-mo Houston hip-hop and performance art pornography, then killed them, their ghosts might have sordid dreams about a record like this.” Check a… Read More
A hoy-hoy, Baggin’ up the tree is a serious banger. Check out the ultra high-def music video –directed by Sam Morrill–for the song by Brooklyn hip-hop duo Jonny Rooms and Dutch Master Spence. They have just released their debut album, Statutory Rap. Lyrics to listen for: “All day all night, baggin’ up the tree. We… Read More
Don Diablo has been dropping a retarded amount of hot mixes and new tracks over the past couple months. Like 4 a week. Hes like the Lil Wayne of new remixes. Somewhat absurd. Anyways, a remix on the ‘Work It’ acapella just dropped in my inbox, and is definitely worth a download. He takes nothing… Read More
Affirmative. Robots updated. Recommend that you check it out over the airwaves.
This is absolutely horrifying. A) theyre trying to market to businesses. B) theyre trying to market to bands. C) WTF? Linked from YANP.
Its not every day that a Biggie demo from 1992 falls into your lap. Indeed, I might go so far as to say that makes for a BANNER day. The demo, though not of the highest production quality, and with the incredibly annoying voice of the random dj who found the tracks over the chorus,… Read More
Yea, the tape is finally about to be out. It is going to be absolutely insane. And its (almost) free. Kinda like the ‘In Rainbows’ release, you pay what you want. Cept you have to pay at least 1 cent. But, if you drop more than 5 bucks, you get a few sweet bonus tracks…. Read More
Keenhouse is an LA based electro artist on the new Binary Label, who definitely deserve some attention. Theyve been putting out fire with some of their new acts, such as The Kids are RADIOACTIVE and NightWaves. Really just fire.Keenhouse – Deep in the Forest (YSI)Keenhouse – Deep in the Forest (zShare)
This joint is sick. Absolutely sick. Its a mixtape of Miles Davis remixed by Apple Juice Kid, and really I just don’t have the words to describe it. All i can say is that you must download it ASAP, and listen to its greatness.The Apple Juice Kid – Miles Remixed (zshare)
welcome back to another installment of get to know yr rotation! today, boys and girls, we will focus on a much hyped up and comer: the vivian girls. naturally i heard about this band through the grapevine and even managed to read about them in the middlebury campus in an article written by wrmc’s own… Read More
This is simply the greatest thing to come across my lap in the last few weeks. The list of people who drop on this is incredible, from Wyclef to Jay-Z. It is very political in nature, obviously, but even beyond that its just a very powerful message. Its about empowering people, and not to be… Read More