Hosted By: Alec Richker
Genre: Eclectic
Time: Wednesdays, 3:30-5:00 pm
Enjoy sweaty, crowded, festival set-lists minus the first two
Hosted By: Alec Richker
Genre: Eclectic
Time: Wednesdays, 3:30-5:00 pm
Enjoy sweaty, crowded, festival set-lists minus the first two
you play good music, but you talk too much.
as a wrmc listener, I enjoy hearing good music, and much less so rambled opinions and dialogue between you guys. If you would accept any constructive criticism from a listener, please stick to the tunes (which I enjoy) and only talk when it is relevant, interesting, and not for too long.
le loup
Hey Le Loup,
Moondog and Smokey here. Just wanted to say, we appreciate the comment and hope you notice a change in our music to ramble to ratio. Thanks for tuning in and keep looping, loup.
Forever yours,
Dr. Moondizzle and Smokeydrizdraz