WRMC 91.1 FM Middlebury College Radio 91.1 FM


Album Review


Classic of Montreal + electronica + relationship failure. Innocence Reaches contains the band’s first completely EDM songs, a new musical foray that is especially significant remembering that Kevin Barnes used to only listen to music from the 1970s and earlier. Coupled with EDM, Innocence Reaches‘ other key element is glammy prog rock in a vein similar to that found… Read More


Happy Birthday Kevin Barnes!

Yesterday was Kevin Barnes’ birthday. He is of Montreal, having written almost every song the band has released, and at this point the group is pretty much a Kevin solo project. 42 is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, at least according to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and 42 is also… Read More

Album Review

of Montreal // Aureate Gloom

Aureate Gloom is of Montreal’s thirteenth LP, and lead singer/band leader Kevin Barnes continues to be a musical genius. Though he has changed the band’s line up once again, the infectious melodies, esoteric references (get your dictionary), and vocal harmonies we’ve come to expect from of Montreal are all still here. Aureate means golden and… Read More

Booty Shakin’ with Of Montreal

“This record is only for broad-minded people, who like to dance, make love and freak the f*ck out. It’s not for most inanimate objects.” -Kevin Barnes Check it. The new Of Montreal album comes out October 7. In addition to the above choice quote, Barnes says of the new album, “This record is my attempt… Read More

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