Ward Wolff Wednesdays 4
by WS-Test-Student on July 18, 2007
Posted in: Uncategorized
It’s a Wednesday afternoon. It rained all day today. Steve’s Diner breakfast sandwich is still in my chest. I’m listening to W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E. right now (see below). I can see Bobby dancing through the glass. Happy birthday Tomie.
Arthur & Yu (In Camera) -“Think: boy and girl on a swingset in grainy, faded color and choppy film.” (Ward Wolff 2007)
Come to View (Song for Neil Young) (mp3)
Devon Sproule (Keep Your Silver Shined) – “Beautiful voice, charming nooks and crannies, sometimes even a pinch of attitude.” (Ward Wolff 2007)
Dress Sharp, Play Well, Be Modest (mp3)
The Pierces (Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge) – Music-noir. Pretty girls. Songs about cold-blooded revenge.
Lights On (mp3)
Losksley (Don’t Make Me Wait) – These guys pump out sweet glazed pop faster than 7-11. But goddamn it’s catchy.
Why Can’t I Be You (Why Not Me) (mp3)
Simian Mobile Disco (EP) – omg omg omg. It’s unreleased SMD.
Simple (mp3)
WALE (100 Miles and Runnung) – Fresh to def flow with an undeniable sample.
Aaron Ross (Shapeshifter) – Aaron Ross of Hella has enough flavor to give this solo effort a good kick. Oh, and Ward likes it too.
Looking Glass Mass
Small Sails (Similar Anniversaries) – “Laptop beats and acoustic guitar loops a lot like the Books, but not nearly as obscure.” (Bobby Teenager 2007)
Aftershocks and Afterthoughts (mp3)
Mosquitos (III) – Rilo Kiley’s twin sister from Brazil.
Ele (mp3)
Fake Problems (How Far Our Bodies Go) – An alt-folk/punk band with a sound reminiscant of Against Me! Good for summer jumping.
Crest on the Chest (mp3)
Digitata (II Daggers) – Lucious electronica out of Minneapolis. And the drummer used to be in a band called Mel Gibson and the Pants, which is a much better name than Digitata.
Bangin J.A. (mp3)
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start (Worst Band Name Ever) – Jersey emo that has little to do with Mortal Kombat, but everything to do with immortality.
The Red Loop