New Music Wednesdays featuring Luke Lalonde
by Christopher de la Cruz on November 11, 2009
Posted in: Uncategorized
Yo WRMC peoples. Today is Wednesday i.e. Hump Day so we figure you wouldn’t mind learning about a new tune to carry you across the rest of your week.
Today’s tune is “Big Run” by Luke Lalonde (lead singer of the Born Ruffians). This single was released as a part of the Canadian music project known as Novels in which 5 Canadian artists from 5 different Canadian bands (Born Ruffians, Tokyo Police Club, Will Currie and the Country French, Ex-Po, and Jay Sad) came together in a small Canadian recording studio for a 24-hour marathon of writing, recording, and arranging a 5 track EP (in Canada). Nuts.
Luke Lalonde delivers with handclaps and tambourines (what more could you want?) in a song perfect for the start of your fall day. Check the video below to see how a truly brilliant artist produces such a lovely track.
Then go a bit lower and cop the track for yourself.
NOVELS – Big Run (Chapter 3 of 5) from Wade Vroom on Vimeo.