Moscow feminist punk band Pussy Riot on trial for being total BAMFs
by Samuel Tolzmann on July 30, 2012
Posted in: Uncategorized
The riot-grrrl-influenced Moscow feminist punk band, Pussy Riot, have been longtime anti-Putin (above, heeeeyyy) activists. Today, three of the band’s members go on trial for charges of hooliganism, facing up to seven years in jail each. Why were they arrested? Probably has something to do with standing outside the famous Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, leading a crowd in an obscenity-filled prayer to the Virgin Mary, pleading for Putin’s deposition. Whoops! Russian intellectuals and artists the nation over have taken up protesting the treatment of Pussy Riot, whose plight has become emblematic of the anti-Putin movement’s fate in general. Also on board are Madonna, Sting (yesss), Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Franz Ferdinand, who were critical of the government’s reaction to Pussy Riot during live performances in Moscow recently. And Amnesty International’s all up in Russia’s face about it, too, which is probably good news for Pussy Riot — though we’ll have to see how the trial pans out to be sure. Read more at Variety, and listen to the notorious prayer below, via Youtube. Listen up, Virgin Mary!
Also…incredible band name. Just saying.