“In a statement released after Beach House publicly protested the ad, a VW spokesperson said the corporation was seeking “something from the dream-pop genre” for the ad. Clearly, few people who would eventually see the ad are going to understand the cultural context of “dream-pop” or even know who Beach House are. This is the… Read More
As 2011 winds down, you may be taking a moment or more in the next couple of weeks to reflect on all the great music you heard this year. Remember James Blake’s debut LP? That was in January! Everything since then has all been this year! Many, many great albums and singles were released in… Read More
Once simply a (frighteningly addictive) anonymous mix exchange, Tiny Mix Tapes is now one of the foremost online publications about independent music and popular culture currently running. Its contributors’ broad-ranging tastes run more toward the experimental and esoteric; this, as well as their seriously well-read, probably college-educated (hey!) backgrounds in philosophy, sociology, and literary theory… Read More