WRMC 91.1 FM Middlebury College Radio 91.1 FM


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Are you in Vermont this summer? Do you listen to 91.1? Have you been wondering what the ambient psychedelism that makes you want to erupt into a giggle fit is all about? Well, I am in control of the robots – that is, until they develop sentience. But for the time being, they’re broadcasting only… Read More

Wardicus Wednesdays #8 – Sepomana!

This week we’ve got some highlights from Sepomana, which takes place this Friday, the 17th at 9:30. Come early to get into the Sepomana Hangover Event on Saturday in Bunker. Tickets are only 5 bones, and will be sold during dinners and lunches all this week or are available at the only box office, Headlining… Read More

Wardicus Wednesdays #7 – We’re Back

It’s 55 degrees outside which can only mean one thing: LEGS. I cannot wait for underclassmen to return from island nations that end in ‘a’ and start showing off their newly bronzed bipeds! Soon Battell Beach is going to be covered by youngsters trying to soak up the ever increasing rays of sun. Of course,… Read More

Wardicus Wednesday #6 – Library Relics

In an effort to be remembered as the music managers who finally got the record library under control, Rachael and I have been spending a lot of time going through the stacks trying to figure ways of better organizing the labyrinth. While not actually succeeding and only finding my way out of the depths by… Read More

Wardicus Wednesdays #5 – Thursday

I’m back from the north country (where the internet is a public access terminal in the local library) and I brought some music with me. No Winter, No Autumn – Moscow Olympics I know that the Olympics are in China and that it’s 2008 not 1980, but Moscow Olympics rock. The five piece from the… Read More

Wardicus Wednesdays #4 – Wicker Park Fest.

First, I don’t care that it’s not Wednesday. I like alliteration. I just finished my summer class, so give me a break if I’m a little behind this week. On to the post. There are three major reasons why Wicker Park Fest is better than Pitchfork.1) The price – I paid $30 to go to… Read More

Wardicus Wednesdays #3 – Covers

For whatever reason, I’ve been listening to a lot of covers over the course of the summer. In lieu of any new music, here’s the best of them: Dan Rossen – Too Little, Too LateDan Rossen lends his haunting vocal talent to Jo Jo’s Too Little, Too Late. According to Pitchfork, he recorded the song… Read More

Wardicus Wednesday – #1

I’ve decided to revive an old tradition here on the blog and bring you weekly updates on what I’ve been listening to, what I should be listening to, and what I hear at parties. Shaking Hands – Women This is all over the blogs these days. The kids just can’t get enough of it, and… Read More

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